Monday, 27 May 2013


Qasim hates changes - and so do I! But he has autism, so you can kind of understand. I don't, I'm just happy when things are working fine and don't see a need to change them.
But we have had a bit of a major change in the last week.
Now changes are do-able and easy when we have lots of time to get ready. These are ones that are coming up and you know they will definitely happen on a certain day. For example - Qasim will be changing class in September. From September his teacher will  be Mr T. His classroom will be different - we can go visit his new class, his new teacher.

What is a problem is when one of his aides is leaving and we have only a few days notice. I understand she has a new job to go to, and wish her all the best. She has been brill with Qasim for the last two years. And people can't stay around forever - I just wish they could!

All of which has made us talk about changes - and what may change in the future.
The future is another concept Qasim has difficulty with - but we have to try anyway.

So all in all it has probably been a good experience for him. We have had to tackle something we both don't like - and we have come out the other side with no major melt downs. And we have talked about what may change in the future, so he will have some kind of foundation when things do change again.

Just so long as they don't change too often!

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